Zombieddon: General Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guidelines

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These guidelines represent the most important and universal themes behind surviving a zombie encounter. The word used is "guidelines" in defference to the notion that there are no universal "laws" to survival, and that every situation is different. These guidelines should apply regardless of type of zombie or scale of outbreak. They should be ordered by approximate importance from top to bottom. Discussion of their approximate ranking is ongoing, and reserved for this article's comments below.
  • Always have some sort of weapon.
  • Prioritize your needs. Basic needs are food, water, shelter, weapons (in most cases, guns and ammo) and in rare cases, air supply/flow. It is not enough to have "just enough", one must know where the next week's rations worth are coming from. Based on the circumstances, some may be in shorter supply than others. Things of value in the previous world (such as money, companionship, and other smaller comforts) must be secondary.
  • Strength in numbers. Forming groups, troupes, squads, tribes, mutual survival arrangements, etc, is almost always advisable. Another person to bounce ideas off of, borrow from their knowledge base, and help eliminate zombies can outweigh all but the most severe character flaws. Knowing when to search for survival partners, and when to shut the doors is based on the overall needs of the group.
  • Avoid population centers wherever possible. This may now include areas where evacuation gets bogged down, like main roads, streets, and highways.
  • In combat, remaining calm is the most important thing. Panic rarely leads to anything but death. Being able to breathe deeply, slow things down, bring more oxygen to the brain, calm ones nerves and strengthen ones reason are attributes every survivor must learn to employ. At the same time, one has to know when to act without hesitation.
  • Using range and distance is the second most important thing. While zombies don't defend themselves in a conventional capacity, melee combat can be risky. Severing a spine, or destroying a (somewhat moving) skull is not always an easy task. As author Cormac McCarthy once wrote "Even in the battle between man and steer (referencing a slaughterhouse incident), the outcome is not certain". Keeping your distance from zombies decreases the natural and formidible stress that accompanies their presence, and it gives one more time to manage their actions.
  • Always expect trouble. Always be alert. Famed boxing champion Mike Tyson once said "Everyone has a plan... until they get punched in the mouth". No plan is foolproof. Expect things to go wrong. Prepare contingency plans. Never lower your guard. Develop the habit of visualizing where important things are (exits, weapons, people, supplies, etc). When traveling through unsecured grounds, constantly look around and listen. Be aware if any actions being taken may attract more zombies.
  • A one-time solution is rarely a solution. Everything one does or needs must be sustainable and repeatable, or the eventual lack of resources will be as fatal as a zombie bite. Long term thinking is critical for survival.
  • If holed up in a makeshift base, frequently reinforce and test your defenses.. Structures and devices of all kinds require some form of maintenance over time. The boards and beams that withstand a constant hammering day and night from the undead should be checked often and meticulously, and tested as safely as possible.
  • Melee weapons rarely one-shot. The human body has evolved to absorb damage. Unless one is either very skilled, or very strong, most zombie kills by way of melee weapon will require multiple swings. This should always be expected and planned for. Sometimes attacking the neck to sever the spinal cord can be preferable to only attacking the skull. This merely disables the zombie (leaving infection through a bite still possible), but then the finishing blow can be delivered unimpeded.
  • Short burts of fire conserve valuable ammo, and increase accuracy. The more zombies in an area (a figure which is rarely certain during an outbreak), the more valuable each bullet becomes. Use them sparingly. Single shot, or short bursts, with the proper amount of time, and proper form can conserve a resource that will be literally worth more than its weight in gold.
  • Conserve valuable energy. While melee combat does not consume ammunition, it does consume energy. Few people are athletic enough to wield a skull smashing weapon for hours on end, and adrenaline will not last forever. Ration swings, manage one's own blood sugar levels with nutritious food, and always try to save the last bit of energy for retreat to safer ground.
  • Adapt or die. In zombie infected world you will have to adapt to switch changes. With modern civilization gone the effects of changing seasons and natural disasters (heavy rains, unexpected freezing and more) will affect your life more than you might expect.
  • Practice worst case combat scenarios. During down time, practice clearing gun jams. How this is done this differs from survivor to survivor, and from weapon to weapon. Cycling, reloading, and field stipping are all options. Know your weapon well. Try to simulate combat situations within reason.
  • Observe firearm safety protocol at all times. Never assume a gun is unloaded. Even after unloading is verified, never wield a firearm inappropriately. Never allow it to point in a direction that is unsafe to one's self, or one's group. Be aware of when the last time it was cleaned and oiled. Be aware what types of ammunition the gun will work with.
  • When traveling, always be on the lookout for possible locations of supplies and shelters/bases.
  • Survival of the Fittest/Nature be not kind. In human civilization, generosity, compassion, and sacrifice usually serve to improve circumstances for all. When there is no civilization, many otherwise admirible qualities of humanity become luxuries that can be easily exploited, and lead to needless deaths. It is up to every individual to decide for themselves how much "humanity" they can afford. Only the strong, smart or sexy survive.
  • Consider having a "Final way out" plan. Even the strong can run into dead ends. Accept there may come a point where the fight is lost. A fast, painless death is much preferrable to being eaten alive or dying of starvation, thirst, disease, or exposure. Many people choose death as opposed to becoming a zombie - even if they are by themselves. With firearms in abundance, this plan often takes care of itself. Regardless, it is better to have this plan, and not need it, than to find yourself needing it, and not having it.
  • Remember the enemy may be gone but the threat lives on. Even if you have killed all the zombies in a given area, some may have heard their moans off in the distance.
Tell us for more tips in the comments below!

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